Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved with the Swansea Point Community Association (SPtCA);
from purchasing your annual membership, to volunteering your time, to donating or
just by being a supporter.


Don’t forget your membership! It is so vital to our community. Only one membership per household is required, but certainly each family member is encouraged to buy a membership.

Benefits of being a member:

Volunteer Opportunities

Consider Joining the Swansea Point Volunteer Fire Department. Become a member of the fire suppression team (must be 18 years or older) or assist in other ways. Contact: Steve Norton – Swansea Point Fire Chief

The NEPP has been in organizational mode for one year and is now ready to identify the volunteers and support it needs to run. Program requirements:

  1. People with specific knowledge of building structures.
  2. People who could provide emergency housing when required.
  3. Individuals with generators that are hooked up to household water (if emergency water is needed). For program information call Janet at 250-836-4412.

Time commitment is hard to identify at this point. This is the type of program we want in place but hope to never use. Monthly meetings and training (a few hours a month) to start, then when called upon in an emergency to be able to respond. The NEPP has on their wish list an on-line mapping program that would give instant access to the households within Swansea Point making their identification and response time more efficient. Financial support is welcome!

The Swansea Point Community Association would like to create a Special Events Committee. Working directly with the Swansea Point Board, the committee will be responsible to plan, organize and implement the special events being held in Swansea Point annually. As the Board moves forward, we are creating a blueprint of events and hope to hold an event each quarter. Some seasoned events we continue to celebrate and others are new!  Responsibilities would include: 
  • Venue booking (usually at Swansea Point Fire Hall)
  • Budget
  • Posters/ads/community awareness (working with communications team)
  • Securing supplies
  • Set up and clean up. 
This is a great volunteer opportunity as the time commitment can be flexible, it can accommodate seasonal residents (help out with the summer events) and everyone can get involved. Why volunteer on this committee? To foster community spirit and help unite, inspire and celebrate. 
A Block Watch program fights the isolation and separation that crime creates and feeds upon, it forges bonds among area residents and businesses, helps reduce burglaries and other crime, and improves relations between the police and the community they serve. The Block Watch Program has been influential in reducing residential crime and promoting increased feelings of neighborhood security. The Main objective of the Block Watch Program is to partner with communities and the local Police Detachment to build safer neighborhoods by encouraging residents to take a proactive approach to crime prevention and safety. Through education on target hardening, property marking and reporting suspicious activity Block Watch provides a means for the community to take responsibility for its own safety by reducing the opportunity for crime. Block Watch programs:
  • Support, training, mentoring and materials to police agencies & community programs.
  • Coordinate the link of community programs to each other.
  • Provide ongoing training and sharing of best practices.
  • Work with police agencies to assist with problem solving, suggesting and supporting strategies for positive change.
  • Focus on reducing the risk of property crime – particularly residential and auto crimes.
The Swansea Point Community Association would love to hear from YOU! Please contact us with any comments, feedback and if you would be interested in participating. There are many ways to get involved!


The Swansea Point Community Association encourages its members and residents to financially contribute and donate gifts-in-kind to help support community events and programs. The first step is your annual membership! Above and beyond that, if you have been motivated by a story, see a need, or just want to make a difference, financial donations to the Swansea Point Community Association can be sent to the address below or electronically (e-transfer) to

We appreciate your support!